Join us Tuesday, July 4th for the Rose City Park Neighborhood Bike Parade.
Meet at Alameda and 59th
Parade will end at Rose City Park Elementary
See full story in the May issue of the newsletter!
RCPPP, PPF, and PPR are hosting a celebration of the new playground with lots of fun activities for kids and all are welcome!
Event Details:
When: June 17th from 10AM-1PM
Where: Rose City Park Playground (NE 62nd and Thompson St)
What: There will be fun activities for kids and adults, live music, and food
Who: All are welcome!
Check out the latest newsletter!
RCPNA Newsletter 2023 Vol. 49, Issue 3 (May)
In this issue:
The Portland Rose Festival Foundation
would like to thank the Hollywood businesses & neighborhood residents for supporting the The nation’s largest and oldest children’s parade
Wednesday, June 7 , 2023, 1:00 p.m.
Please remember that parade seating must be reserved in person. Rope, chalk and tape are prohibited. Do not leave chairs and blankets unattended. Please take note that the streets between 57th and 52nd and between Sandy Blvd. and Hancock will be painted with white, safe, removable paint.
If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please call the Portland Rose Festival Foundation office at (503) 227-2681. Thank you!
Go to to learn more.
click image for printable flier
Service runs from July through the following June, annually, and entails at least one board meeting per month. You can serve on the executive committee—chair, vice chair, secretary, or treasurer—or as an at-large board member. Participation comes in many forms (planning, fundraising, newsletter, events, communication, etc.), folks join for many reasons, and contributions come in many ways. To be eligible, you must live, own property, or run a business in Rose City Park neighborhood boundaries.
If you are interested and/or have questions, reach out to us at!