- Meeting will be held in person at
Owen Blank Head Start
909 NE 52nd Ave, Portland, OR 97213 - Meeting Agenda
- October Meeting Minutes
Author Archive: Michele Heile
October 2022 RCPNA Newsletter
Check out the latest newsletter!
RCPNA Newsletter 2022 Vol. 49, Issue 1 (October)
In this issue:
- General Meeting Announcement
- Chair’s Corner
- Growing for the Bluff
- Land Use & Transportation
- MFS CASH Oregon Volunteers, Northeast Village
- Portland Horse Project
- Walker Award, Our History on Display
- General Meeting Agenda; Community Partners
RCPNA Board Meeting – Zoom Meeting – Tuesday, November 1
Please join us on Tuesday, November 1 for our upcoming Board meeting.
- Agenda with Zoom Link
- Meeting Documents (find all documents for 2022)
Please mark your calendars now for the next board meeting on December 6, 2022
Upcoming Rose City Bluff Native Planting Day. Come help us prepare sites for over 500 native plants! Nov 6
Rose City Bluff Restoration Upcoming Events
Sunday, October 9th
Sunday, October 23rd
Pre-Planting Prep Work Parties
Help prepare sites for native plants.
Sunday, November 6th
2nd Annual Native Planting Day
Help plant over 400 native plants.
All Events are 9:30 am to 11:30 am.
Meet at the top of stairs on NE Sacramento at 62nd Avenue.
RSVP at RoseCityBluff@gmail.com
Optional Garden Tools to Bring
Gloves, Pointed Shovel, Pitchfork, Lopper, Clipper, Rake, Trowel
See our story in the in the latest Rose City Park Review newsletter.
Rose City Bluff Restoration
Website: https://rosecitybluff.org
Email: RoseCityBluff@gmail.com
GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/rose-city-bluff-restoration
For full size document click image:
Join RCPNA Election Information Night on October 25th!
Rose City Park Neighborhood Association is hosting an election information night Tuesday, October 25th, from 7-9pm at the German American Society (57th and Sandy). The three topics will be:
1) the City Council race between Commissioner Hardesty and Mr. Gonzalez;
2) the county chair race between Commissioner Vega Pederson and Commissioner Meieran;
3) the ballot measure changing the city’s governance structure.
This will not be your normal candidate forum full of stump speeches! Instead, candidates will be answering questions submitted by you! To submit a question now, follow this link. Please tell your neighbors and bring a friend to learn more about some of this year’s big election topics.
RCPNA Land Use and Transportation Meeting – October 20, 2022 (Zoom)
- Meeting documents for the meeting can be found here: Meeting Documents
- Here’s the Agenda with Zoom link. We try to open up the Zoom about 10 min early to welcome folks as they arrive.
- September Meeting Minutes
Rose City Park Neighborhood Association Survey

Rose City Park Neighborhood Association Survey
The board of Rose City Park Neighborhood Association would love your feedback!
What do you want from your neighborhood association?
In the past, some of our activities have been:
We want to hear from you!
Are these effective ways to bring value to our community?
What else could our neighborhood association do to bring value to your life in Rose City Park?
Please click this link and submit your ideas!