Take the District 3 Community Priorities Survey – Your voice could help RCPNA receive $500 in funding!

Take The District 3 Community Priorities Survey by January 31st!

Hey, neighbors! Rose City Park Neighborhood Association has teamed up with other District 3 neighborhoods and community-based groups in the Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Coalition to gather your input on a range of civic matters related to community safety, housing, transportation, land use, the environment, and economic development. If you live and/or work in any of the 19 neighborhoods which make up the District 3 community, we want to hear from YOU!

Take the survey now!

Make your voice heard by share your opinion on the needs of our community by taking the District 3 Community Priorities Survey today! 

SE Uplift will award an extra $500 in 2025 Communication Funds to the neighborhood association with the most survey respondents per capita. Take the challenge: spread the word!

This survey is open through Friday, January 31st, 2025. We envision sharing the results at a district-wide community gathering in late winter/early spring with our new City Councilors to learn, connect and engage with each other for the common good. Survey takers will receive the results at the email provided and will be invited to the summit.

The results of this survey will be shared with our three newly-elected members to City Council (Tiffany Koyama Lane, Angelita Morillo and Steve Novick) to inform their policy-making efforts. 

Take the survey now!

This survey is expected to take 15 minutes to complete.



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RCPNA Board Meeting – Please join us Tuesday, December 3rd

Please join us for our next board meeting on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.
Meeting Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Meeting Time: 7PM-9PM
Location: In person, German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda St, Portland, OR 97213
Open to Public: All welcome to attend
Link to Agenda: December 3 Meeting Agenda
Link to Documents: 2024 Board Meeting Documents
Hope to see you there!
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RCPNA Board Meeting – Please join us Tuesday, November 12

Please join us for our next board meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
Meeting Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Meeting Time: 7PM-9PM
Location: In person, German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda St, Portland, OR 97213
Open to Public: All welcome to attend
Link to Agenda: November 12 Meeting Agenda
Link to Documents: 2024 Board Meeting Documents
Hope to see you there!
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Want to learn more about the changes coming to Portland’s election system and form of government? The League of Women Voters is here to help!

Want to learn more about the changes coming to Portland’s election system and form of government?  The League of Women Voters is here to help!

This November, Portlanders will experience a new voting method when the city introduces ranked-choice voting to elect its top elected officials. The League of Women Voters of Portland is educating community members across the city about ranked-choice voting and other changes coming to Portland’s government. Learn more from their free, nonpartisan resources at their website: www.lwvpdx.org.

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Trick or Treat on Fremont Street returns | and NEW this year Trick or Treat for Cans donated to the Sunshine Division

Trick or Treat on Fremont Street

Trick or Treat on Fremont Street returns October 31st, 4-6pm. Every year businesses within the Beaumont Business district hand out candy to trick or treaters on Halloween. This year, participating businesses will be giving out full size and fun size candy. A few lucky trick or treaters will also receive a gift card to a participating business of their choice! “Trick or Treat for Cans”, is a food donation event that gives back to the community. It will feature expanded hours (5-8pm).

Trick or Treat for Cans on Fremont Street

The “Trick or Treat for Cans” event October 31st, 5-8pm consists of trick or treaters heading door to door on Halloween during Trick or Treating hours, but instead of asking for candy, they will be requesting canned goods to be donated to Sunshine Division. Volunteers will be given tote bags and maps of the neighborhood. This will help ensure each person/group covers a few blocks so no one has to walk too much and everyone goes to different houses. Volunteers can sign up by emailing Mary at bbaboardpresident@gmail.com

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