Reminder to mark those calendars for the cleanup date coming up soon. Here is our great new poster for the event with more info.
Click the image to view full size.
Were you excited about the recent neighborhood tree survey? Want to get to know your neighborhood trees?
Come join the FREE Rose City Park Tree Walk! Be sure to register here.
We’ll meet inside of the Rose City Park United Methodist Church to have some snacks and coffee (provided by Urban Forestry), and then head out for a walk in the neighborhood.
Event Details
When: 9:00 am – 12:00 am, April 8th, 2017
Location: Rose City Park United Methodist Church | 5830 NE Alameda St, Portland, OR 97213
At 3pm on Saturday May 13th the ‘Liedertafel Harmonie’ will present their Spring 2017 Concert. Come and enjoy the beautiful music of Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert and more. Coffee and cake is included with your $10. admission (under age 7 – free).
Bring family and friends for a musical treat to celebrate the Springtime in our City of Roses.
The German American Society of Portland, 5626 N.E. Alameda St., Portland, Oregon 97213
An awesome FREE workshop that is coming to the Hollywood Neighborhood next month.
The wonderful folks at the Northeast Community Center are hosting a FREE Beneficial Insects Workshop on Saturday, April 29th.
Beneficial Insects Workshop
Did you know that beneficial insects work around the clock to protect your garden from pests? Meet the beetles, bugs, flies, lacewings and other invertebrates that provide free pest control. You will discover ways to attract these friendly beneficial insects that help your garden thrive.
Date: Saturday, 4/29
Time: 9:00 – 11:30am
Location: Northeast Community Center
Address: 1630 NE 38th Ave
To get there, the team needs to raise $80,000 to send 32 students, our teacher, and volunteer coaches to Washington DC. The RCPNA Board recently voted in support of providing a donation to the team’s efforts.
If you are interested in joining the Board and helping these students, you can donate online at: https://grantboosters.schoola
Grant Constitution Team
℅ Shauna Ewing
4003 SE Ash St.
Portland, Oregon 97214
Congrats again to the Grant High School Team! Learning about the Constitution will serve as a strong foundation for these students’ future role as citizens and civic leaders in the years ahead.
Special Board Meeting for next Tues., March 21st from 7:00 – 8:00 pm at the German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda St. This meeting has been added to the official city-wide calendar.
Topic: Reconsideration of a RCPNA 2015 Approved Recommendation to Rezone of 3 properties owned by Rich and Blair Peterson, located at the corner of NE 50th and Fremont St., from R2 to Mixed Use Commercial as a map amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Update.
Timing: Opportunity to ‘File an Objection’ closes within 21 days of the City’s pending submission of Task 4 and 5 of the Periodic Review/2035 Comprehensive Plan to the State of Oregon.
7:00 – 8:00 pm
1. Welcome & Introductions (open the public meeting)
2. Historic record and actions regarding the Peterson Rezone from R2 to Mixed Use Commercial.
3. Existing options for comment or appeal/objection to the state.
4. Board Next Steps:
5. Adjourn
Mark your calendars and plan your spring cleaning: Our annual cleanup will be held on Saturday, May 6, 2017 from 9 am to 3 pm. You can bring that unwanted trash from your house, basement and garage to the parking lot of St. Rose of Lima School and Church (54th and Stanton) for drop off and maybe find your next treasure too at our rummage sale.
The cleanup is a great way to give a little back to the neighborhood. No experience or skills needed — just show up and help us process the cleanup for your neighbors. Come for a couple of hours or for the whole day. Teens looking for service credits welcomed!
Each volunteer will need to sign a waiver (Download Form Here). Please print and bring with you if possible. We will have some extra copies if not.
More details on what can and cannot be accepted this year available on this cleanup information page.
Be sure to spread the word as well! Share with neighbors who might not be on our email list yet.