RCPNA Board: Tuesday Sept. 5th Agenda
Sept, 5 2017 RCPNA Boardmeeting Agenda PDF File
NE District Planner Update
From: Stark, Nan [mailto:Nan.Stark@portlandoregon.gov]
Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) Update
A monthly snapshot of all the planning work going on in your neighborhoods.
Code Reconciliation Project
A Discussion Draft was released in July for public review and feedback; submit your comments by August 28, 2017.
The Code Reconciliation Project Discussion Draft can be found online at: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/647563.
The draft code amendments, include changes to Title 33 (Zoning), Title 11 (Trees), Title 18 (Noise Control), and Title 32 (Signs), are primarily technical fixes, but also include a few minor policy issues and changes to development allowances. The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability has separated the Neighborhood Contact Requirement review from the Code Reconciliation Project to give it more time and attention.
Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission public meetings and hearings will be scheduled later this year.
Visit: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/72600
Contact: Barry Manning, 503-823-7965, Barry.Manning@portlandoregon.gov
Neighborhood Contact Requirement Project
A new project kicks off to improve how we inform residents about new development.
This project will review the “Neighborhood Contact” requirement in the Zoning Code (33.700.025)( https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/53464), exploring ways to create a workable and effective process that meets the goals of information sharing and early dialogue with community members. This was an element of the Code Reconciliation Project, but has now been moved to a separate project.
A Discussion Draft will be released in the fall.
Visit: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/74046
Contact: Sara Wright, 503-823-7728, Sara.Wright@portlandoregon.gov
Better Housing by Design (BHD)
Comment period on Concept Report closed on August 7. Discussion Draft to be released in the fall.
The recently released Concept Report shares potential code changes aimed to improve multi-family development for current and future residents. These include proposals for creating more open space and greater accessibility for people of all ages and abilities, prioritizing affordable housing and preserving trees, simplifying setback requirements, increasing connections to streets and more.
Project staff are reviewing comments on the The Concept Report (https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/73945) and will consider them as they develop a Discussion Draft.
This project also focuses on East Portland, fostering better development that reflects the area’s distinct characteristics and needs of the community. It is coordinated with the Portland Bureau of Transportation’s Connected Centers Street Plan (https://www.portlandoregon.gov/transportation/71334), which focuses on street plans for the Jade District and Rosewood/Glenfair centers.
Visit: www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/betterhousing
Contact: Bill Cunningham, 503-823-4203, betterhousing@portlandoregon.gov
Map Refinement Project
A Proposed Draft will be released in mid-September 2017.
The Map Refinement Project will evaluate and amend the Comprehensive Plan Map and/or the Zoning Map designations for a limited number of sites based on consistency with the recently adopted 2035 Comprehensive Plan.
The public comment deadline for the Discussion Draft was July 31. Staff is considering these comments to develop the Proposed Draft, which will be published in September 2017. Following publication of the Proposed Draft:
Public notice will be mailed to affected property owners, affected occupants and recognized organizations, etc.
The PSC will consider public testimony and forward a recommendation to City Council for consideration and additional public review before City Council votes to adopt the Map Refinement Project next year.
Visit: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/73388
Contact: Marty Stockton, 503-823-2041, Marty.Stockton@portlandoregon.gov
Central City 2035 Plan
Recommended Draft released in June; City Council to hold public hearing on September 7, 2017.
The CC2035 Recommended Draft (https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/73892) was released on June 20, 2017, opening a 12-week comment period. Community members are invited to review the plan and testify to City Council in writing (via email, U.S. Mail or the Map App) or in person at a public hearing in Council Chamber, City Hall:
*This hearing is limited to two parts of the CC2035 package: 1) the adoption of the New Chinatown/Japantown Historic District Design Guidelines and 2) amendments to environmental and scenic resource Zoning Code provisions applicable outside the Central City.
Check the project calendar (https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/53116) for any change to dates and times.
Visit: www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/cc2035
Contact: Rachael Hoy, 503-823-6042, Rachael.Hoy@portlandoregon.gov
Residential Infill Project (RIP)
Project team drafting code and map concepts for public review in the fall
Since City Council’s adoption of the Concept Report in December 2016, project staff have been developing code and map changes to implement the adopted concepts. Staff are also responding to mayoral direction to draft a housing opportunity overlay zone boundary for the Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC) to consider.
This fall the public will have an opportunity to review proposed code changes and Zoning Map amendments prior to the PSC hearings in winter 2018. The seven-week public review period is scheduled to begin the week of September 25. We will soon be posting more information about upcoming public review opportunities on our website.
Council-approved concepts: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/623488
Visit: www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/infill
Contact: Julia Gisler, 503-823-7624, Julia.Gisler@portlandoregon.gov
Design Overlay Zone Amendments Project (DOZA)
Project moves from “assessment” to “amendments”
While the acronym has stayed the same, DOZA is transitioning from an assessment of design review to a series of projects which willamend the City’s codes, standards and guidelines related to the design overlay zones, including the process and tools used in the design review process. A rollout of the project phasing is scheduled for August 18. Check the DOZA website after that date for additional information. More information will be available mid-August.
Visit: www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/70324
Contact: Kathryn Hartinger, 503-823-9714, Kathryn.Hartinger@portlandoregon.gov
SW Corridor Equitable Housing Strategy
Bringing more housing choices and opportunity to SW Portland and Tigard
To assist with engagement of low-income tenants and households of color in this planning process, the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability awarded the Community Alliance of Tenants (CAT) a grant for $45,000. CAT’s Statement of Work can be found at:https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/647458.
A Community Learning and Listening Session on Affordable Housing in the SW Corridor will be held October 14, 2017, at Markham Elementary School (10531 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219) from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. The event will be an opportunity for community members to learn about affordable housing needs in the corridor and provide input to help preserve and build more places for people to live. Childcare and lunch will be provided. To RSVP for the event, visit: http://tinyurl.com/ycwvr3h5.
Visit: www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/73445
Contact: Ryan Curren, 503-823-4574, Ryan.Curren@portlandoregon.gov
82nd Avenue: Development and Transportation Planning
ODOT 82nd Avenue of Roses Implementation Plan
The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) are evaluating opportunity areas along 82nd Avenue between NE Killingsworth Street and SE Johnson Creek Boulevard to improve quality of life for residents and businesses along the corridor.
ODOT is creating a list of feasible projects to improve safety, mobility and access for people using 82nd Avenue. BPS’ efforts focus on understanding and addressing barriers to redevelopment/adaptive reuse, mixed use and employment opportunities in key areas. A summary report will be released in September.
Visit: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/REGION1/pages/82ndAve.aspx
Contact: Terra Lingley, Project Manager, 503-731-8232, terra.m.lingley@odot.state.or.us
City of Portland
Visit: http://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/index.cfm?&c=72125
Contact: Radcliffe Dacanay, 503-522-8446, Radliffe.Dacanay@portlandoregon.gov
Portland Off-Road Cycling Master Plan
Staff bringing Proposed Draft to PSC and Parks Board for review, then to City Council for adoption.
Project staff received thousands of comments from all over the city about possible locations for off-road walking and cycling facilities and bike parks citywide, including more than 2,000 comments about Forest Park alone. The project team is using these comments to help shape a draft plan that will be released later this summer.
BPS is working on this project in collaboration with Portland Parks & Recreation, the Bureau of Environmental Services, Portland Bureau of Transportation, the Portland Water Bureau and other local government and community partners.
Visit: http://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/70151
Contact: Michelle Kunec-North, 503-823-9710, Michelle.Kunec-North@portlandoregon.gov
Historic Preservation Code Improvement Project
Project will launch in September
The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability will soon launch a zoning code project that will make changes to how the City identifies, designates and protects historic resources. The Historic Preservation Code Improvement Project comes after a 2016 Oregon State Supreme Court decision and recently adopted changes to state administrative rules, both of which provide opportunities for the improving Portland’s historic resource protection programs.
The Historic Preservation Code Improvement Project will research regional and national best practices, analyze deficiencies in Portland’s existing programs, and propose zoning code changes related to the procedures, thresholds and incentives that apply to inventoried and designated historic resources.
Visit: Project website TBA
Contact: Brandon Spencer-Hartle, 503-823-4641, Brandon.Spencer@portlandoregon.gov
Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC) Agenda
View the upcoming PSC agenda items here: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/312882
All PSC meetings, unless otherwise noted, are temporarily being held at the CH2M building at 2020 SW 4th Avenue, Lincoln Room, 1stfloor. All PSC meetings are streamed live on the BPS YouTube channel at youtube.com/c/portlandbps and tape delayed on Channel 30.
City Council Agenda
View upcoming City Council agenda items here: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/auditor/article/378315
All City Council meetings will be held in Council Chambers at City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Avenue. All Council meetings are broadcast live at:www.portlandoregon.gov/article/230361<http://www.portlandoregon.gov/article/230361
As always, you can find the agenda for the meeting in our Public Documents folder, here
Look in the Meeting Agendas folder.
The Committee will be meeting at the German American Society 5626 NE Alameda St. from 7:00 – 9:00 pm tonight on 8/17.
Highlights for this Aug. meeting include:
1. Select PBOT Grant application – Due Aug. 31st
2. Complete Land Use Review Protocols
3. Discuss latest Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) policies for comment
More info about the free concert here: rcpna.org/events-calendar/summer-concerts
A couple of photos from last weekend’s concert. Everyone had a lot of fun with the Irish dancers on a beautiful summer night in Portland!
Reminder to bring the whole family out to a fun (and free!) evening in Rose City Park this Saturday.
Saturday July 22, 2017
Our July 22nd concert will be an Irish Hooley, featuring Nancy Conescu, along with the Murray School of Irish Dancing. Nancy is widely recognized, particularly throughout Ireland, for her vocal and guitar work, where she has appeared on concert stages, radio, and television. The Murray Irish Dance Troupe, well known for its high-energy performances and vividly attractive costumes, never fails to engage its audience, whether young or old. Every performance is marked by toe tapping, foot stomping and hand-clapping in the spirit of Irish culture, music, and tradition. For more information, please visit murrayirishdance.com.
Easy how-to guides and resources: http://www.portlandoregon.gov/pbem/46475