Thursday, July 13 2017 – Special Land Use Meeting


Please join me for a Special Land Use and Transportation Committee meeting of RCPNA on Thurs. July 13th from 7:00-9:00 pm at the German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda St. As Chair of RCPNA I have requested this Special Meeting to address the liquor license for the Baerlic Beer Hall and Garden that is to include 12 food pods located at 6035 NE Halsey St.

What: Special LU & TC Meeting
Topic: Baerlic Beer Hall and Garden Liquor license, 6035 NE Halsey St.

When: Thurs. July 13, 2017
7:00 – 9:00 pm

Where: German American Society
5626 NE Alameda St.
Here’s Bearlic’s liquor license application, which includes proposed hours and a 12-cart food cart pod on the property

Here are two illustrations of “The Barley Pod” by Ethos development

Here’s the Liquor Board’s Comment Form, which includes ways to submit your opinions should you be interested in voicing them. I believe you can submit this comment form electronically.

Deadline for public comments is July 19, 2017

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Tamara DeRidder, AICP
Co-Chair, LU & TC
Chairwoman, RCPNA




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“Jade’s Jewel” Street Painting at NE 61st and Tillamook this weekend!

For the third year in a row, streets will be blocked off to paint the bright colors on the intersection of NE 61st Avenue and Tillamook street, Sunday, June 25 from 10am-5pm.

Jade Razzano has lived in the Rose City Park Neighborhood all her life and the namesake design called Jade’s Jewel celebrates and beautifies our neighborhood but also slows traffic on the street where her special needs bus picks her up for school. The design is bright and cheery and invites painters of all ages to participate. Parents Joey and Chris Razzano organize the event and donate time and supplies to making this fun event happen but need your help with brushes and donations. Because the paint has a walnut shell additive that prevents slippage, brushes have to be thrown away at the end of the day – so the event is BYOB (Bring your own brush :o) and we are happy to report that the dollar tree on Sandy sells brushes 2 for $1). While the cost of the paint is discounted through the Village Building Convergence and City Repair, and the Rose City Park Neighborhood Association has donated $50 to support the project, another $200 is still needed to pay for the paint.

Donations can be accepted the day of the event or at any time. Tents will be set up and music provided for a fun, family-oriented event that you can help with for an hour or all day. There may even be popsicles involved J For more information, there are two pages of information: Facebook ( and NextDoor. Hope to see you there!

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June 15th – Land Use & Transportation Committee Meeting Agenda

Open invite to the Land Use & Transportation meeting tomorrow night at 7pm.
Please join this Thurs., June 15th, for our LU & TC meeting from 7:00 – 9:00 pm at the German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda St.

June 15th LU & TC Agenda:
For Approval: 051817 Minutes (attached)
1. ONI Marijuana Code Compliance Officer Nathanial Werner. To provide information and code compliance updates on two new MJ outlets opening up in our neighborhood.

2. Ellington Apartments presentation by the Portland Housing Authority District Liaison Cupid Alexander.  These apartments were recently purchased by PHA to provide low and very low income housing. They are located on our eastern neighborhood border and our LUTOP Rep. Ed Gorman has invited Madison South land use representatives to join us.

3. Land Use review guidelines and policies for RCPNA

4. Sub-Committee Updates:

  • CNN’s LUTOP – Notes attached
  • Our Lady of LaVang
  • Other

5. Status:

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April & June RCPNA Newsletters – Digital Editions

Although your website editor has been behind, our fantastic neighborhood newsletter editor has published two great issues of our Rose City Park Review newsletter recently.  Here are the digital copies for your use and enjoyment.



These can also be found in the Past Issues section of the website.


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