Congrats to the Grant High School Constitution Team!


On January 21, 2017, the Grant High School Constitution Team won the Oregon state championship in the “We the People: The Citizen & the Constitution” competition.  There was very strong competition at state this year, and the students feel great pride and accomplishment to represent Oregon in Washington D.C. in late April for the national competition.  Grant High School has traditionally finished among the top schools in the nation, and we have high hopes for our team’s placement this year.

To get there, the team needs to raise $80,000 to send 32 students, our teacher, and volunteer coaches to Washington DC.  The RCPNA Board recently voted in support of providing a donation to the team’s efforts.

If you are interested in joining the Board and helping these students, you can donate online at: If you would prefer to send a check, they can be written to Grant Constitution team and sent to: 

Grant Constitution Team
℅ Shauna Ewing
4003 SE Ash St.
Portland, Oregon 97214

Congrats again to the Grant High School Team!  Learning about the Constitution will serve as a strong foundation for these students’ future role as citizens and civic leaders in the years ahead. 

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Special RCPNA Board Meeting – Tuesday, March 21 7-8pm

Special Board Meeting for next Tues., March 21st from 7:00 – 8:00 pm at the German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda St. This meeting has been added to the official city-wide calendar.

Topic:     Reconsideration of a RCPNA 2015 Approved Recommendation to Rezone of 3 properties owned by Rich and Blair Peterson, located at the corner of NE 50th and Fremont St., from R2 to Mixed Use Commercial as a map amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Update.
Timing:  Opportunity to ‘File an Objection’ closes within 21 days of the City’s pending submission of Task 4 and 5 of the Periodic Review/2035 Comprehensive Plan to the State of Oregon.

7:00 – 8:00 pm

1. Welcome & Introductions (open the public meeting)
2. Historic record and actions regarding the Peterson Rezone from R2 to Mixed Use Commercial.
3. Existing options for comment or appeal/objection to the state.
4. Board Next Steps:

  • Decide whether to reopen the public meeting regarding LU &TC recommended approval for zone change from R2h to Mixed Use Neighborhood Commercial for 5024 NE Fremont, vacant lot (TL# R260906) and 3430 NE 50th Ave.
  • If yes, actions include:
    • Open the public review on the matter to receive testimony, including attached documents.
    • Close public review on the matter when all questions and concerns have been raised
    • Render a decision:
      • No change from the previous rezone recommendation of approval
      • Support the rezone of some of the properties from R2 to Mixed Use Commercial
      • Reverse decision – opposing the rezone of all three properties from R2
  • If no, actions include:
    • Opportunity for public discussion regarding the process and issues at hand
    • Make a motion to adjourn the meeting

5. Adjourn

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May 6 – Neighborhood Spring Cleanup Event

Mark your calendars and plan your spring cleaning: Our annual cleanup will be held on Saturday, May 6, 2017 from 9 am to 3 pm.   You can bring that unwanted trash from your house, basement and garage to the parking lot of St. Rose of Lima School and Church (54th and Stanton) for drop off and maybe find your next treasure too at our rummage sale. 


The cleanup is a great way to give a little back to the neighborhood. No experience or skills needed — just show up and help us process the cleanup for your neighbors. Come for a couple of hours or for the whole day. Teens looking for service credits welcomed!

Each volunteer will need to sign a waiver (Download Form Here). Please print and bring with you if possible. We will have some extra copies if not.

More details on what can and cannot be accepted this year available on this cleanup information page.

Be sure to spread the word as well!  Share with neighbors who might not be on our email list yet.

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Upcoming RCPNA Board Meeting Agenda

 Download as a PDF here.


February 7, 2016 RCPNA Board Meeting

German American Society


Steven Effros Minutes Taker

  1. Welcome and Introductions: Tamara DeRidder (5 minutes – 7:05)
  1. Treasurer’s Report (5 minutes – 7:10)
  1. Introduction and Approval of New Board Member (5 minutes – 7:15)
  1. Recap of January General Meeting (15 minutes – 7:30)

What did we learn?  What do we need to act on?

  1. Committee Reports: Each Committee Gives Update (40 minutes – 8:10)


            Clean Up

            Communications –

            Emergency Preparedness

            Entertainment –



            Land Use & Transportation

  1. Planning for Next General Meeting -April 25 (20 minutes – 8:30)

Board Elections


  1. New Business (10 minutes – 8:40)

Expansion of Fremont Bus Line?

  1. Adjourn (5 minutes – 8:45)
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General Meeting Next Tues, Jan 24th

RCPNA General Meeting  (PDF Format Here)

Tuesday January 24th, 2017

Rose City Park Neighborhood Association’s (RCPNA’s) next general membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 24th, 7 – 9 pm. Residents, property and business owners located within RCPNA are encouraged to attend but all are welcomed.

The meeting is open to the public and will be held at the German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda St., which is ADA-and transit-accessible (TriMet bus lines 12 and 71).  Doors open at 6:30 pm.

Below is the agenda:

7:00 -7:10        Welcome and Introductions – Tamara DeRidder, RCPNA Chair

7:10 – 7:25      NE Neighborhoods Public Safety Action Committee (PSAC) Update – Gary Points, RCPNA Board Member.

7:25 – 7:45      Air Quality Update – DEQ representative & David Gates, Chair of Environmental Committee.

7:45 – 8:15      RCP Neighborhood Street Tree Inventory Overview & Next Steps – David Gates

  • Jim Gersbach – City of Portland Urban Forestry;
  • Jessie Stemmler – Friends of Trees

8:15 – 8:45        City Residential Infill Project Update – Joe Zehnder, Chief Planner, or Sandra Wood, Supervising Planner, Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability

8:45 – 9:00      Closing Comments

Volunteers Needed:

  • RCPNA Historian – To store and tend historic archive materials for RCPNA, including 1st edition RCPNA History Book materials.
  • E-mail Newsletter Editor – Lead our Email Newsletter Initiative using the MailChimp system with the goal of publishing up to one newsletter/month by consolidating RCPNA Committee updates.
  • May Cleanup & Garage Sale – Cleanup: direct traffic; direct people to recycling stations; & collect money. Garage Sale: donation sorters; assist customers; and help determine reasonable prices.

Interested in Volunteering? Contact us at or Chairwoman Tamara DeRidder at 503-249-6977.

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RCPNA Newsletter – Digital Edition

Happy New Year Neighbors!

The January 2017 edition of the Rose City Park Review newsletter is being delivered by your neighborhood volunteers now, but you can get a sneak peak with this digital edition here.


Thank you to our editor Suzanne for another great issue of our newsletter.  Don’t miss the agenda for the January 24th General Meeting, which is full of great topics.



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