RCPNA Land Use & Transportation Committee Recommendations for Comprehensive Plan Implementation

Click below to view a copy of the RCPNA testimony to the City Council regarding the Transportation System Plan Stage 2.

The Rose City Park Land Use & Transportation Committee recommended a parallel route to NE Halsey for the City Bikeway designation.  But, no such vote was taken regarding the NE Sandy Blvd designation as the same.

Instead the Committee unanimously agreed to support on-street parking for businesses, engaging the businesses if there are any proposed streetscape changes, and requiring an impact study be done that includes travel modes and impact on residential and commercial properties if a bike lane is proposed for NE Sandy Blvd.

In addition, in a unanimous vote, the Committee supported language to include ‘health impact due to air quality’ to the definition of City Bikeway.  This was done since there is now empirical scientific evidence that there are negative long-term and short-term impacts to bicyclists who travel on freight corridor arterial streets, rather than less traveled residential streets.


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Learn About Urban Infill: Lessons from Around the Country (Oct 17 6:30-8:30pm)

Portland Together is pleased to announce a presentation and conversation with Nore Winter titled
Compatibility Matters: Lessons from around the Country on Compatible Infill.

The event is scheduled for October 17, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at the Main Event Room (142/144) at the White Stag Block, University of Oregon PDX Campus. Admission is free, but advance registration is recommended. Registration is being handled by the Architectural Heritage Center. For more information about the event and Portland Together, see http://www.portlandtogether.org

Mr. Winter will spend about an hour discussing his experiences and that of other experts in helping fast growing cities plan for growth while protecting their resources of existing single family housing. His comments will provide some new approaches that challenge the current recommendations by the Mayor’s Residential Infill Project (RIP) as they relate to moderating the size and scale of new construction in our traditional neighborhoods.

After his presentation, a responder panel consisting of Morgan Tracey and Brandon Spencer-Hartle from the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, Sara Cantine from the RIP Stakeholder Advisory Committee, and others to be selected shortly will address questions to Nore to explore how his experience may shed light on Portland’s current challenges. The last 30 minutes of the event will be devoted to Q&A from the audience.

Portland Together is a project of United Neighborhoods for Reform and the Portland Coalition for Historic Resources with sponsorship and logistical support from the Architectural Heritage Center and Restore Oregon. Costs of the event have been underwritten by the sponsoring organizations and generous individual donors concerned about our treasured Portland neighborhoods. We appreciate the support of the University of Oregon Historic Preservation Department in helping arrange for the venue.

Attendance is encouraged for:

Those interested in preserving Portland’s stock of existing moderately priced housing
Those concerned about mega-houses replacing smaller homes one-for-one
Those looking for better infill ideas from around the country
Decision-makers in local government and neighborhood coalitions and associations
Faculty and students of architecture, urban design, and historic preservation
Those interested in exploring additional strategies for increasing the supply of affordable housing in Portland

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Special Meeting of Land Use & Transportation Committee, Thur Sept 29 7-9pm

Please join me for a Special meeting of the LU & TC taking place Thurs. Sept. 29th from 7-9 pm at the German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda. This Special meeting was scheduled at our last meeting on Sept 15th to allow our Committee to focus and comment on the Comprehensive Plan “Early Implementation Package”.  This massive set of policy documents are scheduled for City Council hearings Oct. 6th and 13th. It includes the following:

      1. ·       Zoning Map– Note: Impacts 60th Ave. Sta. Area and Mixed Use Commercial Zone
      2. ·       Transportation Systems Plan(TSP) – Note: Includes possible reducing vehicular lanes and on-street parking to allow bicycle lanes on Sandy Blvd. from NE 82nd through Hollywood where the Planning and Sustainability Commission recommends NE Sandy Blvd. as a Bikeway along with Halsey. Transportation Demand Management strategies for new Campus Institutional Zone (think Providence Hospital)
      3. ·       Community Involvement Program

The Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability Staff recommendations can be found at: www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/pdxcompplan
The Portland Bureau of Transportation Stage 2 TSP can be found here: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/588792

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East Portland Transportation Town Hall & Open House (Oct 5 2016 6-8pm)

On behalf of the Commissioner Steve Novick and the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), I would like to invite you (and members of your community) to an East Portland Transportation Town Hall + Open House event. The meeting will provide residents and other East Portland stakeholders with the opportunity to meet with PBOT staff and learn about programs and projects that are delivering better, safer streets and other transportation upgrades to your community.

The event will include a special briefing about Fixing our Streets, the program funded by the new local gas tax that will provide significant improvements to streets, sidewalks, bike lanes, signals and safe routes to school in East Portland and across Portland. This interactive project map shares more information about the improvements committed across the city.

The meeting will take place on October 5th from 6 to 8 p.m. in the South Cafeteria of David Douglas High School, 1001 SE 135th Ave., Portland, OR 97233. Commissioner Steve Novick and Director Leah Treat will attend. They will be joined by PBOT project managers responsible for implementing the various East Portland projects and other important PBOT services. Attendees will have the opportunity to provide input on the Fixing Our Streets projects that are being planned in the community.

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Festival Latino – this Saturday!


Festival Latino, a part of Summer Free For All, is Saturday, September 10, and free for the whole family! Join Portland Parks & Recreation at Glenhaven Park for food cart vendors, games, live music and a movie in the park! The fun starts at 4:00pm and concludes with a screening of Inside Out in Spanish with English subtitles!

¡Festival Latino, una parte del Verano con diversión gratis para todos, es sábado, el 10 de septiembre, y gratis para toda la familia! Portland Parks & Recreation los espera en Glenhaven Park con carritos de comida, juegos, música en vivo y una película en el parque. ¡La diversión comienza a las 4:00pm y concluye con la proyección de la película Inside Out en español con subtítulos en inglés!

WHAT: Festival Latino, a free, multicultural celebration with music, food, a Movie in the Park and more!

WHERE: PP&R’s Glenhaven Park, NE 82nd and Siskiyou

WHEN: Saturday, September 10, 2016; starting at 4pm.  Movie begins at approximately 7:30pm.

Festival Latino is FREE, brought to you by sponsors including Comcast Impact, and is the final Summer Free For All #SFFA event of the year.  More info online at http://bit.ly/2caSGyF.

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Free Pollinator Workshop in Hollywood

When: Sunday, 10/9 from 1:00-3:00pm

Where: NE Community Center  

1630 NE 38th Ave, Portland, OR 97232

The fine folks over at NE Community Center in the Hollywood Neighborhood are hosting a FREE Pollinator Workshop on Sunday, October 9th. While our workshops are open to everyone, we really like to promote locally and encourage nearby neighbors to attend.

Attracting Pollinators to the Urban Garden: Learn about the bees, flies, beetles, moths and butterflies that provide vital pollination services in urban gardens, and discover which plants can help attract and support them. We will go beyond the bloom so you can find out how to provide water, shelter, nesting, and overwintering sites.

Advanced registration is required. Click this link to register, and to see lots of other great workshops.


Note: This event is not sponsored by the RCPNA. 

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