Take the District 3 Community Priorities Survey – Your voice could help RCPNA receive $500 in funding!

Take The District 3 Community Priorities Survey by January 31st!

Hey, neighbors! Rose City Park Neighborhood Association has teamed up with other District 3 neighborhoods and community-based groups in the Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Coalition to gather your input on a range of civic matters related to community safety, housing, transportation, land use, the environment, and economic development. If you live and/or work in any of the 19 neighborhoods which make up the District 3 community, we want to hear from YOU!

Take the survey now!

Make your voice heard by share your opinion on the needs of our community by taking the District 3 Community Priorities Survey today! 

SE Uplift will award an extra $500 in 2025 Communication Funds to the neighborhood association with the most survey respondents per capita. Take the challenge: spread the word!

This survey is open through Friday, January 31st, 2025. We envision sharing the results at a district-wide community gathering in late winter/early spring with our new City Councilors to learn, connect and engage with each other for the common good. Survey takers will receive the results at the email provided and will be invited to the summit.

The results of this survey will be shared with our three newly-elected members to City Council (Tiffany Koyama Lane, Angelita Morillo and Steve Novick) to inform their policy-making efforts. 

Take the survey now!

This survey is expected to take 15 minutes to complete.



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Normandale Park — Shooting Victims Memorial Conversation

Hello Neighbor, the Rose City Park Neighborhood Association is hosting a public outreach event to discuss the possibility of a community memorial for the victims of the Normandale Park mass shooting of February 2022. Event to be held Thursday, March 7, 7pm at the German American Society.

A display of planters and lighting has been installed by volunteers to remember and honor victims at NE 55th and Hassalo. Painting a street mural in the intersection has been suggested by community members. Please join us to listen and to share your thoughts in a conversation of community healing.

Expected to attend:

  • Allison Stoll, Central Northeast Neighborhood Coalition
  • Stephanie Howard, Mayor’s Office,
    Director of Community Safety
  • Kimberely Dixon, Restorative Justice Specialist
  • Survivors & relatives of the 2022 mass shooting
  • Members of the Rose City Park Neighborhood Association

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