Summer Concerts
Free Summer “Picnic in the Park Concert”
Rose City Park
NE 62nd Ave. and NE Thompson St.
2023 concert info: July 22, 6-8pm
Featuring ClusterF*lk
The RCPNA Picnic in the Park Concert on July 22, 2023 promises to be a night of foot-tapping, head-bopping fun with the talented ClusterF*lk taking the stage. Composed of Dave Monro on lead vocals and rhythm guitar, Keith Johnson on drums, Matt Gantz on guitar, and Daniel Manuszak on bass, ClusterF*lk is an Americana rock n’ roll band that has been playing together for four years. The band’s musical influences include Jason Isbell, Tom Petty, and James McMurtry, and they embody the American rock n’ roll singer-songwriter style in their music.

ClusterF*lk recently recorded several new songs which are now available on Spotify, and they have been playing in various local establishments around town. But their beginnings are much humbler than that. In fact, they started by playing in Keith’s front yard right here in Rose City Park, providing some much-needed relief during the last three years of social distancing. They quickly became popular with their neighbors, and their fame grew from there. Check them out on Instagram @cluster.folk, and give their music a listen on Spotify. You won’t be disappointed.
The RCPNA Picnic in the Park Concert is the perfect venue for ClusterF*lk’s lively music, and it promises to be a great night out for the whole family. The concert is scheduled for July 22, 2023, from 6-8 pm at Rose City Park, and admission is free for everyone. So, pack a picnic, bring a blanket or lawn chairs, and settle in for an evening of great music. It’s a night you won’t want to miss! Mark your calendars!