Information from the Rose City Park/Hollywood Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET)

If you need to call for information call 211 not 911

911 is emergencies only


For status updates or What to Do Questions go to the Multnomah County Website


You may also want to sign up with the Public Alert System to receive timely public alerts


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Posted in General Updates.


  1. My name is Dave Conklin. I live in the Rose City Park neighborhood at 1915 NE 55th Ave. I would like to get in touch with someone in the Rose City Park/Hollywood Neighborhood Emergency Team. My wife Carol Sweeney and I have been developing a household UV water treatment device for emergencies when you can’t drink the water from the tap (or there isn’t any tap water). There is more information at

  2. David,
    I have forwarded your inquiry to the NET team. They should contact you. Let me know if they do not.
    Ed Gorman

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