Please join us: Portland Schools Community Care Day Saturday, August 27th, 9am-12pm

Hello Rose City Park Neighbors,

We are days away from our first day of the 2022-2023 school year, and we can’t wait! Please join our school communities and neighbors on Saturday, August 27th, 9am-12pm, to help prepare our playgrounds and school grounds, as part of our community’s annual “Project Community Care” day.  Activities will be held at Rose City Park Elementary, Roseway Heights Middle School, and all other schools in our district.

Project Community Care is an annual tradition established more than 20 years ago, and disrupted by COVID-19. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to lend a hand, beautify their school grounds, and meet one another!

Please visit for more information.

We hope to see you there!

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Cancelled! The RCPNA Land Use and Transportation Meeting August 18 is cancelled

We are sorry to announce the August TUTC meeting is cancelled. We did not have anyone step up and volunteer to chair the meeting therefore we will be cancelling the meeting tomorrow. The September meeting will take up this agenda and perhaps more.
Next meeting is scheduled: Thurs. September 15, 2022 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm

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Community Day at Rose City Golf Course – Free Event!

Portland Parks and Recreation is hosting a free community day event to celebrate the natural beauty and green spaces at Rose City Golf Course. Join us for activities, games, nature, and a live musical concert by the Norman Sylvester Band. All are welcome!

If you’ve never been to Rose City Golf Course, this day is for you. You can learn about the history of the land, it’s trees, and all the wildlife that make their home at the golf course. There will be interactive activities for kids, fun putting and chipping games for all ages, food and beverage for purchase, and a live musical performance by the Norman Sylvester Band. All are welcome to enjoy the great outdoors with us on Community Day at Rose City Golf Course!

Time: 2:00 pm – 8:00 pm (live concert at 6:00 pm)

Location: Rose City Golf Course clubhouse area, 2200 NE 71st Avenue, Portland, Oregon
Parking is limited, thank you for walking, car pooling, or using public transportation if you are able.

All activities are free! Food and beverage available for purchase.

More information please visit Portland Parks and Recreation events page

Norman Sylvester and Lenanne Miller! Concert starts at 6:00pm!

Norman Sylvester and Lenanne Miller! Concert starts at 6:00pm!

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Join our e-mobility ride event. e-bikes are a ton of fun! One more date!

Did you know e-bike rentals are available in Rose City Park Neighborhood? They are! This summer, RCPNA Vice-Chair Zachary Lauritzen is leading three rides to introduce neighbors to the joy and utility of electric mobility. The three dates are all on Saturdays: June 18th, July 16th, and August 13th. We will meet at 9:15am, depart at 9:30am, and return at 10:30am. Location to be announced.

If you have not yet ridden one: e-bikes are a ton of fun! They give that extra boost that flattens hills, allows you to carry more weight (groceries, children, etc.), and to do so without getting sweaty. There are a few goals to these summer rides:
1. Introduce people to the process of how to rent an e-bike.
2. Tour some safer street routes in and around Rose City Park.
3. Experience the ease and joy of electric-assist travel.
4. Meet your friends and neighbors.
5. Get to know eco-friendly modes of transportation for getting around our community.

All participants will receive free rides for the day courtesy of a partnership with Niketown. Part of the program is learning how to sign up and rent the bikes. Anyone who can ride an adult-sized bike is welcome. Bring a helmet if you have one, though some will be provided. If you want to participate, please email Zachary at As event dates near, he will send out the details for each ride.

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Rose City Park Neighborhood Association Seeking Board Chair

Are you interested in serving your community on the Rose City Park Neighborhood Association? If so, consider filling the role of Board Chair! Follow this link for a list of responsibilities. 

Please email Alison Stoll (, executive director of Central Northeast Neighbors, with questions and/or to indicate your interest in the position. The current RCPNA board hopes to identify the next chair at the next board meeting on August 2nd.

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Volunteers Needed for Picnic in the Park Concert – July 23rd

Hello Neighbors!

It’s concert season and RCPNA needs your help!  In order to put on our Picnic in the Park Concert on July 23rd from 6-8pm, we need volunteers to assist with set-up, tabling, and clean-up.

Please sign up for one or more activities using our SignUp Genius.  The more folks that volunteer, the easier, and more fun, the effort will be.  For more information about the concert please check out our Picnic in the Park Concert page.

Please let us know if you have any questions by reaching out at  We can’t wait to see you at the concert!

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