May 2020 Land Use and Transportation Committee Meeting May 21, 7 to 9 PM Live Stream on You Tube
Live Stream on You Tube. Go to You Tube and search “rcpna video”. The live stream and recordings of other meetings are available
RCPNA LU&TC 05-21-2020 Meeting Agenda.TDR-KD
Helping Neighbors During COVID-19: Share Your Story!
The Rose City Park Neighborhood Association will be hosting a virtual general meeting on May 26th. We’d like to identify RCP residents who are willing to participate in the online meeting by sharing a personal story about how neighbors are helping neighbors through this difficult time. We are also interested in hearing about what people are doing to help them cope during this difficult time.
This could be a story about making daily calls to socialize, virtual games, finding ways to help with grocery deliveries, yard work, gardening, or simply stepping outside to chat with others. Perhaps you are leading a sidewalk exercise group! We’d like to hear your story, even if you have posted something already; it just might inspire others.
If you are interested in participating; please email us by May 15th at:
Please include the following:
Your first and last name
Contact number
Your Story: just a brief statement about how your are helping others or activities you are doing to help others cope through this difficult time
Any pictures or videos you may have related to your story that we can share with others
If sharing pictures with people other than yourself in them, please be sure you get their permission to share broadly via our board meeting
Keep in mind, to participate you will need internet access and a computer, tablet, or smart phone to attend the virtual meeting.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Joe Saraceno
RCPNA Board Member
Chair, Rose City Park Playground Project
May 2020 Primary Election RCPNA Questionnaire and Candidate Answers
May 2, 2020
Subject: RCPNA City Council Candidate Questionnaire
Dear Portland City Council Candidate,
I hope this finds you healthy and safe during this crazy-making pandemic. It has been unusual times for all of us including our Rose City Park Neighborhood Association. Typically, we hold an annual Candidates Fair in March to allow all of those running in our local races a chance to be heard. As you likely know, this had to be cancelled along with all public presentations with the exception of those through social distancing.
We are hoping it is not too late to address this lack of communication through a questionnaire developed by our RCPNA Board.
Please complete the following questionnaire and return your responses to me or to, ASAP. The format may be in Word, JPEG, or HTML/email.
Your responses will be posted on our websites, and Facebook, and electronic links provided to viewers on Nextdoor in the NE Portland area.
Please keep your total answers to 2-page maximum.
City Council Position________________________________________
- Why are you running for city council/mayor?
- What are your thoughts on claims that RIP will create affordable housing?
- Are you concerned that RIPs broad mandate for development could lead to possible unintended, but negative consequences?
- Rose City Park has more renters in single-family homes than apartments. As regards RIP, what can be done to minimize the effect on these renters who may be displaced due to homeowners selling their rentals to developers who will be building multi-family units?
- What can be done to keep the prices of single-family homes and duplexes (as contrasted with apartments) affordable to mid-range workers with families and retirees on fixed incomes?
Thank you so much for your consideration!!
Tamara DeRidder, AICP
Chairwoman, RCPNA
RCPNA Special Board Meeting 5/5/2020, 7 to 9 PM. Virtual program
RCPNA Board Meeting Agenda 5 -5-2020-1-TDR
The meeting will be held in a virtual context on ZOOM and will be live streamed to You Tube. The live stream can be viewed via this link:
There are three main topics:
- Planning for the May 26 Spring General Meeting with a quest speaker and stories from RCP residents on their COVID-19 experiences.
- Develop the process to elect RCPNA Board members for 2020-2021 at the May 26 meeting.
- Presentation of opposing views on the practicing of the Overhead Continuous Descent Approach maneuver over residential neighborhoods by the Oregon Air National Guard 142nd Wing. Documents on the issue can be found here. Representatives from the coalition of neighbors opposing the practice, and from the Oregon Air National Guard, will participate. RCPNA has been asked to support the neighbors effort.
RCPNA Board Meeting 4/7/2020, 7 to 9 PM, Live streamed on Facebook
RCPNA Board Meeting Agenda 4/7/2020
RCPNA Board Meeting 2020-April 7 Video
RCPNA is utilizing ZOOM to conduct the regular April Board Meeting.
The meeting will be live streamed on Facebook. It is not necessary to have a Facebook account or to log in to access the live stream. On the Facebook home page locate the “Watch” icon and click on it. In the search field enter “rcpna” The video should be accessible from that location.