RCPNA 2018 Survey on Neighborhood Priorities is online between now and April 2nd 2018

Hello, Neighbor –
Please take a few moments to complete the following Rose City Park Neighborhood Association(RCPNA) 2018 Survey on Neighborhood Priorities.

See: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V39XNKM

The RCPNA Board will be using these results to help guide us in our priorities for the remainder of this calendar year.  Your insights are important to us as our community continues to change and grow.  Thank you for your time and assistance.

Deadline for participation is Monday, April 2nd.

Thank you again,

Tamara DeRidder, AICP
Chair, RCPNA

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Clarification on March/April Newsletter Article – Retiring Commissioner Dan Saltzman will not be attending or speaking at the April 3rd Candidates Fair

Some readers have interpreted the mention, in the front page article of the most recent newsletter, of the names of the current City Commissioners (Nick Fish, Position 2;  and Dan Saltzman, Position 3) who are holders of the positions up for election on May 15th to inform that Mr. Fish and Mr. Saltzman will be speaking at the RCPNA Candidates Fair event.  Commissioner Saltzman is retiring and was never considered to participate.  Commissioner Fish has a conflict requiring him to participate in a City budget meeting at that same time.  He will be sending a representative in his place.

Thank you


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Land Use and Transportation Committee Meeting Thursday March 15, 7-9 PM 909 NE 52nd Av


031518 RCPNA LUTC Agenda


RCPNA – LU & TC Meeting

Thursday, March 15th, 2018

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm


Head Start at Owen Blank School

909 NE 52nd Ave.

Portland, 97213

7:00 Welcome & Introductions

7:05 Minutes for approval: February 15th, 2018

7:10 Koz Development

Follow up on 2/6/18 Presentation by Joshua Scott

Umpqua Bank Project 4708 NE Sandy

7:30 Presentation by PPS Facilities on the Rice School Conversion to new location for Pioneer School – Discussion will focus exclusively on Code and Zoning items.

7:50 Discussion of TriMet/PBOT Enhanced Transit Corridor project

8:05 Discussion of COP Better Housing by Design Project

8:30 Discussion of new PBOT Parking Manual: Parking in general around projects and City policy

8:45 Reps & Sub-Committee Updates:

  • Our Lady of Lavang
  • 82nd Ave.
  • Campus Institutional Zone

9:00 Adjourn

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RCPNA Agenda – Board Meeting March 6, 2018 – 7 to 9 PM – German American Society 5626 NE Alameda

March 6 2018 RCPNA Board Agenda


March 6, 2018 RCPNA Board Meeting
German American Society
Stephen Effros Minutes Taker
1. Welcome and Introductions: Tamara DeRidder (5 minutes – 7:05)
2. Minutes. Feb. 6th Board meeting (5 minutes – 7:10)
3. Treasurer’s Report (5 minutes – 7:15)
1. Resignation: Tony Ardizzone
2. Bylaws Subcommittee. Proposed Tamara, Ed Gorman, Sharron Fuchs, Barb Brunkow, and
David Gates
3. RCPNA Committee Priority Survey
4. April 3 General Membership Meeting Agenda & Planning
A. Request to include pro-Residential Infill Project presentation
B. Next Steps
4. Spring Clean-up and Garage Sale – Steve Effros, Kara Mumma, and Terry Parker
5. RCP Methodist Church – Homeless Shelter Rumor
C. Request to post Olivia Dwinell post and YouTube interview with Pastor Ross
6. Committee Reports: Each Committee Update
 Communications
 Entertainment
 Environment
 Land Use & Transportation
 Local Business
 Emergency Preparedness/Neighborhood Resiliency
 Safety?
7. New Business
8. Adjourn (9:00)

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FYI Rose City Park Parents – new Vietnamese dual language immersion option

Dual language immersion (DLI) education provides social, cognitive and academic benefits to children and prepares them to be successful in a global society. Starting in 2018, one of the newest language programs – the Vietnamese DLI program – is moving to our neighborhood: Rose City Park for K-5 students.

Families of students in the Vietnamese program would like to encourage both native Vietnamese-speaking families and non-native speaking families looking for a challenging, engaging, and highly beneficial language and social program to apply. This program seeks an even mix of native and non-native speaking children. Chances of securing a spot in the Vietnamese program have traditionally been higher than the other more established dual language programs of PPS so it presents a great opportunity for families who would like their children to have an increased chance of gaining access to a dual language education.

Students entering kindergarten must apply through the School Lottery between Feb. 7 and March 2 at www.pps.net/schoolchoice and attend an open house at the school. The open house for the Vietnamese DLI program takes place next Tuesday, February 13th from 6-7 pm at Rose City Park (2334 NE 57th Ave).

A current Vietnamese-American family has a kindergartner in the program this year and is happy to answer questions about their experience. Please contact Sarah Tran (st.tran@gmail.com) if you’d like to discuss this program.

Helpful links:

PPS general DLI page:  https://www.pps.net/Page/863

2018-19 school year boundaries: https://www.pps.net/Page/2379

(Note that most DLI programs do offer neighborhood families priority if there are more applicants than spots.)

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