Link to electronic edition:
March_ 2018 RCPNA Review_low-res_pages
Dual language immersion (DLI) education provides social, cognitive and academic benefits to children and prepares them to be successful in a global society. Starting in 2018, one of the newest language programs – the Vietnamese DLI program – is moving to our neighborhood: Rose City Park for K-5 students.
Families of students in the Vietnamese program would like to encourage both native Vietnamese-speaking families and non-native speaking families looking for a challenging, engaging, and highly beneficial language and social program to apply. This program seeks an even mix of native and non-native speaking children. Chances of securing a spot in the Vietnamese program have traditionally been higher than the other more established dual language programs of PPS so it presents a great opportunity for families who would like their children to have an increased chance of gaining access to a dual language education.
Students entering kindergarten must apply through the School Lottery between Feb. 7 and March 2 at and attend an open house at the school. The open house for the Vietnamese DLI program takes place next Tuesday, February 13th from 6-7 pm at Rose City Park (2334 NE 57th Ave).
A current Vietnamese-American family has a kindergartner in the program this year and is happy to answer questions about their experience. Please contact Sarah Tran ( if you’d like to discuss this program.
Helpful links:
PPS general DLI page:
2018-19 school year boundaries:
(Note that most DLI programs do offer neighborhood families priority if there are more applicants than spots.)
Link to draft agenda document:
Anyone interested in viewing the documents referenced as attachments may find them here:
Rose City Park Public Documents/RCPNA Publications/Board Meeting Agendas & Notes/Feb 6 2018 Agenda Packet
RCPNA – LU & TC Meeting
Thursday, January 18th, 2018
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Head Start at Owen Blank School (Note: New Location)
909 NE 52nd Ave.
Portland, 97213
7:00 Welcome & Introductions
7:05 Minutes for approval: October 19th, 2017 and November 16th, 2017
7:10 Koz Development (tentative)
Presentation by Joshua Scott
Umpqua Bank Project 4708 NE Sandy
7:45 Reps & Sub-Committee Updates:
7:55 Status:
8:05 New Business
9:00 Adjourn
RCPNA General Meeting Agenda
“A New Year and Ways to Prepare”
Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018 7pm
The German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda St.
Rose City Park Neighborhood Association Seeks Neighbor Input
At January 23 General Meeting!
Neighbors are invited to come learn more about what RCPNA does, provide feedback on what the neighborhood association should be doing, and most importantly, tell us how they can help. The meeting will be set up like an Open House/“speed dating” session, so neighbors can learn about the following committees: Land Use and Transportation, Environment, Communications, Annual Clean-Up Event, Entertainment, Emergency Preparedness (NET) and Local Business.
The meeting is open to the public and the venue is ADA-and transit-accessible (TriMet bus lines 12 and 71). Free pizza, snacks, drinks, and raffle prizes will be offered. Doors open at 6:40 pm.
Exhbit B – RCPNASurveyMonkeyRIPDiscussionDraftQuestionnaire11152017
Exhibit A-RCPNA Draft LUTC minutes 11-16-17 -fin
RCPNA RIP Responses11152017-TDRData_All_171115
RCPNARecommendation-RIP Discussion Draft11292017-fin