7PM – 8:45 PM
German American Society
5606 NE Alameda
RCPNA Oct 24 2017 General Meeting Agenda
7PM – 8:45 PM
German American Society
5606 NE Alameda
RCPNA Oct 24 2017 General Meeting Agenda
Alert: Residential Infill Project proposes to rezone all of East Portland, including the RCPNA area. Comments due on Discussion Draft by Nov. 20th
See: City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability(BDS) Residential Infill Project: https://www.portlandoregon.
>Proposed ‘a’ Overlay Impact Area Map: https://www.portlandoregon.
>Proposed Rezone of R5 (5,000 sq.ft.) properties to R2.5(2,500 sq. ft) located east of NE 57th, south of NE Sandy Blvd., north of Halsey St, see:
Comments are due by Nov. 20, 2017. You may submit comments on the Discussion Draft in several ways(Always include your name and address on testimony documents or they will not be included in the record/for review by appointed and elected officials):
City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
Attn: Residential Infill Project
1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 7100
Portland, OR 97201
Your comments/testimony will be used as feedback as they(BDS) develop a proposal for the Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC).
Note: Shortly, RCPNA will be conducting an e-mail survey to obtain your feedback of our Land Use & Transportation Committee(LU&TC) recommendations on this proposal. The results of this neighborhood survey will be discussed at the next LU & TC meeting on Thurs. Nov. 16th from 7-9 pm at Head Start in the Owen Blank School, located at 909 NE 52nd Ave. (next to Frazer Park). RCPNA final recommendation to the PSC will be rendered at this meeting.
Agenda RCPNA – LU & TC Meeting
Click here to view the agenda as a PDF
Thursday, Oct. 19th, 2017 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: Head Start at Owen Blank School (Note: New Location)
909 NE 52nd Ave. Portland, 97213
7:00 Welcome & Introductions
7:05 Minutes for approval: Sept 21st, 2017
7:10 Land Use Review Protocols for RCPNA, Adopted 8/17/2017
compare to City of Portland Chapter 33.700
7:45 Residential Infill Project: Nov. 20th deadline for comment.
October Staff Report on Update to Portland’s Single Dwelling Rules:
Proposed Code Amendments: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/657692
Appendices: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/75086
8:45 Reps & Sub-Committee Updates:
Our Lady of LaVang
8:55 Status:
Baerlic Brewing G.N. Agreement
Ellington Apt. Neighborhood Meeting – Rescheduled to Sept.
Code Reconciliation Project – https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/647792
Portland – Housing By Design – https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/622969
9:00 Adjourn
For those who have not received the paper copy, there is another great issue of the Rose City Park Review available.
Click here for the online link
Our neighborhood partner the German American Society is hosting this fun for all ages event.
‘Walking with Lanterns’ is a German tradition when young children walk along the streets holding colorful, often self-made lanterns. ‘Bringing Light into the World’ and remembering the help that St. Martin gave to others. He was a soldier then a Bishop, famous for his kindness, modesty and simplicity.
A follow up meeting will be held at the City Noise Office, 4747 E Burnside, 6:30 PM, Thursday October 12th. A review will be made of the summer events held on the parish grounds with emphasis on compliance with the Noise Permit.
Findings and Decision of Noise Control Officer