Community Event available to Rose City Park Neighborhood – Climate Candidate Forum – Thurs. April 18

The Portland chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is hosting a candidate forum for candidates in the race to be Oregon District 03’s next US House of Representative. This district includes Rose City Park and CCL has invited members of our neighborhood to their event. At the forum, candidates will be answering questions on climate change.

Title: Climate Candidate Forum for Oregon District 03
Date: Thurs, April 18th
Location: Taborspace, 5441 SE Belmont St Portland, OR 97215
Time: Forum begins at 7pm, Doors open at 6pm

With the retirement of Rep. Earl Blumenauer, voters in Oregon District 03 will have the opportunity to elect a new Congressional representative to send to Washington D.C. Come hear candidates answer questions on their commitment to climate change and other climate-related issues. This forum is hosted by the Portland chapter of the nonprofit Citizens’ Climate Lobby and will be moderated by KGW Chief Meteorologist Matt Zaffino. Registration is not required but encouraged.  

Thank you!


Submitted by Judy Jiang, volunteer with the Portland chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL)
Portland CCL Facebook
Citizens’ Climate Lobby

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Join us for a Listening Session to Shape Future City Council Operations – March 14, 19, 21

The Government Transition Advisory Committee and the City’s Transition Team are making recommendations to the 2025 City Council to help lay the groundwork for a collaborative and responsive council. Your insights on accessing council members, staying informed about key topics, expectations for district engagement, and public input in council and committee meetings will inform our June draft recommendations.
Join us for one of the following listening session!
All sessions offer the same content including an educational presentation followed by an hour of small group discussion. All sessions will include interpretation in ASL and Spanish with additional languages upon request.
We will have a recording of our presentation and a survey with the questions asked in discussion posted at  The survey will open Friday, March 8 and will close on Thursday, April 4.
Get to know your new government! Sign up for transition updates!
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U.S. Grant High School is proud to announce that it will be celebrating its 100th year in operation this year.

Through the years, many Rose City Park neighborhood residents attended Grant High School. This year it turns 100 years old! There are a number of ways to participate in the celebration. See the attached flyers for more information.

U.S. Grant High School is proud to announce that it will be celebrating its 100th year in operation this year.

To commemorate this milestone, a series of events tare planned hat are sure to be enjoyed by alumni, current students, and members of the community.

Mark your calendars for the following events:

March 16th – A SENSATIONAL CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE: Open House featuring Tom Grant Performance at Grant High School. Taking place from 1:00pm to 4:00pm, the open house will feature a myriad of school groups . In addition, visitors may tour the building and alumni can reconnect with classmates. The open house will be capped off by a special concert by Tom Grant, GHS alum and acclaimed jazz musician. The concert will begin at 4:00pm. Attending the open house is free of charge.

May 30th & 31st – A SENSATIONAL CENTURY OF STARDOM: Celebrating 100 Years of Performing Arts at Grant High School You won’t want to miss this theatre, music and dance extravaganza with performances by the Royal Blues, Jazz Ensemble, Grant Dance Collective, and Guest Alumni Stars! Current students and alumni join forces to delight and entertain our community. The show begins at 7:30 pm.  Tickets will be available starting in March.

September – A SENSATIONAL CENTURY ENDS AND THE NEXT ONE BEGINS: Birthday celebration begins September 2nd with a special rose planting ceremony by the Royal Rosarians. Details forthcoming.

Cheers to 100 years!

GHS Open House & Concert ticket
GHS Open House Ticket (click to open and print)

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Normandale Park — Shooting Victims Memorial Conversation

Hello Neighbor, the Rose City Park Neighborhood Association is hosting a public outreach event to discuss the possibility of a community memorial for the victims of the Normandale Park mass shooting of February 2022. Event to be held Thursday, March 7, 7pm at the German American Society.

A display of planters and lighting has been installed by volunteers to remember and honor victims at NE 55th and Hassalo. Painting a street mural in the intersection has been suggested by community members. Please join us to listen and to share your thoughts in a conversation of community healing.

Expected to attend:

  • Allison Stoll, Central Northeast Neighborhood Coalition
  • Stephanie Howard, Mayor’s Office,
    Director of Community Safety
  • Kimberely Dixon, Restorative Justice Specialist
  • Survivors & relatives of the 2022 mass shooting
  • Members of the Rose City Park Neighborhood Association

Print flier, share (PDF format)

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RCPNA General Membership Meeting – Tuesday, February 27, 7-9pm

Hello Neighbors,

Sandy Boulevard has been our Main Street for more than a century. But Sandy will be changing over the next several years and our next General Meeting will focus on broad outlines of this change and ways we as a neighborhood centered on this boulevard can understand what will change and contribute to what will be a years-long process.

The Future of Sandy discussion will be led by board member Laura Serecin, and exploratory in nature:

  • What do people experience on Sandy?
  • How do people want to experience Sandy?
  • Do people have feelings/ideas on how to balance Sandy as a transportation corridor and a true boulevard where folks walk/stroll/bike rather than rely on the automobile?

Join us at our next General Meeting to participate in small group conversations to help contribute to the future on Sandy.

Join us at the next RCPNA General Meeting

Meeting Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Meeting Time: 7:00 PM-9:00 PM
Location: In person, German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda St, Portland, OR 97213
Open to Public: All welcome to attend
Topic: “The Future of Sandy.”

We hope to see you then!

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